Sunday, October 30, 2011

2.69 Urinary system

  • There are two kidneys in the urinary system with separate blood supplies.
  • Which uses process of excretion and filtration.
  • Each kidney there is a tube which lead to the bladder called the urethra.
  • The ureter carries urine from the kidney to the bladder.
  • The urine is conducted to the outside of the body to be excreted which travels down the vagina or penis.

2.68b Osmoregulation

  • The fluid which surround cells are isotonic with the cytoplasm of the cells.
  • The amount of water going into these cells are equal and remain the same size and shape.
  • The kidney controls the composition of our blood.
  • Blood circulating in to the tissues it will be concentrated causing hyper tonic tisse fluid or hypo tonic tissue fluid.
  • Blood that circulates through our kidney excess water, excess salt can be removed and excreted at the urethra.

2.68a Excretion

  • Urea contains nitrogen which is toxic to the body and cannot be stored.

  • Amino acids are normally use for growth but the extra amino acids is excess must be remove there toxic.

  • The blood circulated to the liver and the amino acids are converted around which is called urea.

  • The kidney will filter the urea from the blood. 

  • The urea is drained and collected in the bladder.
  • 2.67b Human organs of Excretion

    • Salt and water is from sweat.
    • Lungs excrete carbon dioxide which is a waste from respiration.
    • The kidneys are responsible for the excretion of excess water (Amino Acids)
    • The 3 organs of excretions are the lungs, kidneys and skin.
    • The skin would give out water, salt and urea. 

    2.67a Excretion in plants

    • The process of photosynthesis happens when Carbon dioxide and water which give off oxygen.
    • Respiration is C6H12O6 +O2 which which gives off gas as a waste molecule.
    • Photosynthesis is CO2 + H2O ----> C6H12O6 This happens due to the release of metabolic waste.
    • Glucose molecule is broken down and energy is used to form ATP and get the waste of carbon dioxide and water given off.
    • The waste process is called Excretion.