Sunday, March 27, 2011


  • Water is turned from liquid to gas by heat from the sunlight

  • Evaporation occures thriugh the stomatal pores

  • The water is found in the soil where the roots take it up to the leaf through the xylem

  • The water diffuses and turns into a diffusion gradient
  • Plants and Stimuli, Geotrapism and Phototrpism

    Stimuli is the change in the environment. For example Change in temperature, light and gravity
    The Receptor detects the Stimuli
    The Receptor then sends the Stimuli to the Response
    The plant responds differently to each stimuli for example if the stimuli is light then the it will respond as a phototropism if the stimuli is Gravity then it will respond as a Geotropism

    Geotropism is the growth response to gravity

    Phototropism is the growth responce to light. If the light is shining directly above the stem tip, the stem will grow upwards. But if the sunlight is shining from the side then the stem tim will bend towards the light.

    Tuesday, March 22, 2011

    Uptake of water notes

    • The branching pattern of the roots increases the surface area of itself for absorbstion of water
    • Roots will branch out to find a water source
    • Epidermal cells have root hair with also increase the area of absorbsion of water
    • There is movement of active transport of minerals and osmosis of water in the epidermal cells
    • The minerals are dissolved in water and is tranported up to the leaf by the xylem